Vol.01. Nos.1 (2002) pp.59-70

Selection criteria for a house design method using plybamboo sheets

Authors:G.Gonzalez; J.Gutierrez; F.V.Hervijnen; J.Janssen and F. Moonen

Abstract:Plybamboo is a promising structural material for housing. It can be industrially produced and used for prefabricated construction in developing countries, especially if the country possesses bamboo plantations. In this paper, selection criteria are developed and applied for different house design methods which are based on how to make connections between the sheets. Three different designs are then described and the criteria are applied in order to select one of them. A house design method is selected according to the criteria selection. Experimental tests would be the next phase of the research in order to improve the applicability of the method.

Keywords:Housing; structural design.

Permalink: https://www.jbronline.org/article.asp?id=6