Vol.02. Nos.4 (2003) pp.417-427

China's experience in trade statistics on bamboo and rattan

Authors:Jin HongMan

Abstract:Bamboo and rattan (B&R) are important non-wood forest products whose annual world trade is currently estimated to be more than US$ 10 billion. However, the huge economic and social importance of the B&R sector, whether at national or global level, is based on estimations because of the complication and scattered existence of information sources. In China, the B&R industry and its export activities are well developed, and a comparatively good system and a more detailed commodity classification have been adopted to collect the information. This paper will offer an introduction to China's international statistical system for B&R data and trade development in the recently years.

Keywords:bamboos; canes and rattans; commodity markets; exports; forest statistics; international trade; non wood forest products; China-.

Permalink: https://www.jbronline.org/article.asp?id=56