Vol.02. Nos.1 (2003) pp.43-55

Bamboo resources of Manipur: an overview for management and conservation

Authors:Singh H.B; Kumar B; Singh R.S

Abstract:Manipur, one of the eight states of north eastern India, including Sikkim state, harbours a high diversity of bamboo. More than 54 species of bamboo under 9 genera have been reported from Manipur against 136 species under 23 genera from India as a whole. Pure bamboo brakes constitute 18.6% of the total forest area of the state and the bamboo play a vital role in the life of Manipuries in their day-to-day requirements. Bamboo has multiple uses and is used in almost all the households needs, for construction, craft, fencing, rituals, firewood, rope, food, utensils and paper manufacturing. Bamboo shoots, both in raw and fermented forms, are largely consumed by the people and can earn a large share of household economy to an amount of Rupees 2130 million (USD 45 million) annually for the nation as a whole. Bamboo is needed from childbirth to death and every household maintains a bamboo colony of certain species in their private land. Revenue of 0.43 million rupees (9000 USD) is generated from bamboo and its products annually by the State Forest Department of Manipur. As bamboo can grow easily with least labour and time, cultivation aspects are least considered. The high potential can be improved by suitable scientific intervention and local capacity building, which will have great implications in improving the socio-economic status of the community. This paper reports species diversity, characteristics, utilization pattern and conservation status of bamboo resources in Manipur state.

Keywords:income; nature conservation; pulpwood; species diversity; uses.

Permalink: https://www.jbronline.org/article.asp?id=34