Vol.02. Nos.1 (2003) pp.23-28

Planting stock selection of bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) using macro proliferation technique

Authors:Kumar R; Pal M

Abstract:A study was conducted to determine the effects of age of seedlings, position of rhizome subunits, removed and used as propagules, on growth and proliferation of Dendrocalamus strictus. The resultsshowed that age of seedlings did not affect the proliferationrate, while position of rhizome subunits varied in growth and proliferation rate. The material taken from Ž rst position of rhizome subunitsshowed maximum proliferation,while material taken from third position of rhizome showed maximum growth and biomass. The position of rhizome subunits in bamboo clump is an important parameterin using this macro proliferationtechnique to obtain plantingmaterialfor mass propagation.

Keywords:biomass; growth; planting stock; rhizomes; roots; seedling age; seedlings; shoots; vegetative propagation.

Permalink: https://www.jbronline.org/article.asp?id=32