Vol.12. Nos.1 - 4 (2013) pp.33-41

Influence of edaphic and environmental factors on the growth of rattan plantations in Kerala, India

Authors:M. P. Sujatha, C. Renuka, C. Kavitha and E. L. Linto

Abstract:The present study evaluates the influence of edaphic and environmental factors on the growth and development of rattan, especially when they are grown on plantation scale. Plantations of Calamus thwaitesii at three locations and C. delessertianus at two locations were selected for the study. Soil samples were analysed for pH, organic carbon, extractable phosphorus, exchangeable K, Ca, Mg, exchange acidity, exchangeable Al etc., using standard procedures. In general, the results revealed that growth of both species showed strong relation with pH, organic carbon and extractable P content of soil and depletion of soil quality especially pH, organic carbon and associated nutrients was found to be a major constraint in achieving maximum growth in rattans. C. delessertianus was found more adaptable to soils with depleted soil fertility than C. thwaitesii. Intensity of light was found to have a significant influence on growth of C. thwaitesii. The study concluded that growth of C. thwaitesii and C. delessertianus under plantations were significantly influenced by soil conditions of the locality. High production rate is expected from plantations thriving in fertile soil and moderate light condition.

Keywords:Rattan, Calamus, soil, environment, light

Permalink: https://www.jbronline.org/article.asp?id=258