Vol.01. Nos.3 (2002) pp.251-263

Status of rattan based small scale cottage industries in urban and semi urban area of Chittagong, Bangladesh

Authors:Miah, D; Rahman, L

Abstract:An exploratory survey using multistage simple random sampling was conducted by repeated visit of rattan-based small scale cottage industries in urban and semi-urban areas of Chittagong district of Bangladesh during July-September, 2001. Only four species of rattans were found to be used as raw materials in the study area of which Calamus guruba was identi ed as highest in quantity being used in the industries. Entrepreneurs were found mostly dependent on homestead forests and imported rattan for raw materials. Most of the entrepreneurs were found to manage their capital from their own sources and the ownership was single. On average, 7.4 number of labourers were found per industry of which the maximum number were skilled. The manufacturing process was identi ed as totally manual and traditional. A large variety of products were found to be made of rattans. The productivity of commodities was usually sustained throughout the year in the urban area but uctuated in the semi-urban area depending on availability of raw materials and socioeconomic conditions of the people. Net monthly income per rattan-based small scale cottage industry in urban area was about double of that net income in semi-urban area. Lack of raw materials, access to national and international market, advanced technology, training facilities and nancial supports were the important problems and limitations identi ed.

Keywords:Capital; ownership; marketing.

Permalink: https://www.jbronline.org/article.asp?id=20