Vol.06. Nos.3 - 4 (2007) pp.175-181

Effects of process time on the textural and sensory characteristics of Malaysian commercial bamboo shoots

Authors:Aida Firdaus; Halimahton Zahrah; Azmy Hj Mohamed

Abstract:Four commercial edible bamboo species of Malaysia, viz., Gigantochloa sp. (buluh brang). G. scortechinii (buluh semantan) and G. levis (buluh beting) and Dendrocalamus asper (buluh betong) were chosen for this study to select the optimum process time and evaluate consumer acceptability. The shoots were cut into apical and basal portions, canned and processed for 25,35 and 45 min at 121 °C and I kg/cm2. The effect of process time on the textural and sensory characteristics of the shoots was ascertained. Shoots of Gigantochloa sp. were the hardest when fresh or when processed while G. levis showed the most softening after being processed for 45 min. For sensory characteristics, there were no outstanding preferences for any particular species.

Keywords:bamboo shoots; canning; food acceptability; food processing; o

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