Vol.05. Nos.1 - 2 (2006) pp.73-78

On the possibility of growing bamboo as an alternative crop in the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey

Authors:Toksoy, D; Ayyildiz, H; Var, M; Kazuto, S; Kyozo, C

Abstract:This study investigates by a direct questionnaire suvery the response of 508 tea farmers to bamboo as an alternative crop in the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. It is found that 77.6 per cent of the participants were not satisfied with tea farming and 76.8 per cent of the participants emphasised that they would like to consider growing an alternative crop. However, 49.6 per cent were not aware of the potential of bamboo. After providing some information about bamboo, only 18.3 per cent farmers were willing to try growing bamboo as an alternative crop.

Keywords:bamboos; farmers; tea; Black Sea; Turkey.

Permalink: https://www.jbronline.org/article.asp?id=136