Authors:Das, D.K; Chaturvedi, O.P
Abstract:Data are presented for nutrient (N, P and K) dynamics in 3- to 5-year-old Bambusa bambos plantations in eastern India. The nutrient concentration in the various biomass components of the bamboo was generally in the order of leaf > rhizome > root > branch > culm, with the nutrient elements in the order of N > K > P. The maximum amount of all nutrients was accumulated in the culms, followed by branches, rhizomes, leaves and roots. Considerable reduction (55-62%) in concentration of nutrients (N, P and K) in leaves occurred during senescence. The uptake of nutrients by bamboo with and without adjustment for internal recycling has been calculated separately. Annual transfer of nutrients through litter and roots to the soil was 49.2-58.7 N, 2.7-3.1 P and 40.4-48.9 K kg ha-1year-1. Annual turnover rate of nutrients on the floor of different aged bamboo plantations ranged from 69 to 93 per cent. Compartmental models for nutrient dynamics have been developed to represent the distribution of nutrient pools and net annual fluxes in 4- and 5-year-old bamboo plantations. It is concluded that these bamboo plantations make an efficient use of nutrients through internal recycling and conserve these nutrients by accumulation in phytomass and immobilization in the decomposing leaf mass.
Keywords:bamboos; biomass; branches; carbon cycle; forest litter; leaves; litter (plant);