Vol.19. Nos.4 (2020) pp.83-93

Basic Working Stress for Naturally Grown Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris)

Authors:Nusirat Aderinsola Sadiku . Amos Olujide Oluyege . Babatunde Ajayi . Saka Obafemi Bada

Abstract:Classification of Bambusa vulgaris for structural application was carried out based on the maximum crushing strength perpendicular and parallel to the grain of the culm as well as bending moduli of rupture (MOR) and elasticity (MOE). The findings of the work showed that the MOR > 70 N/mm2 , MOE > 9000 N/mm2 and compression strength > 35 N/mm2 . Following the standard classification of timber species for structural use in building, B. vulgaris is placed in group one as the strength properties surpassed the standard stress limit required for structural application. The basic density of B. vulgaris falls in the range of 755.22 to 877.23 kg/m3 which is comparable to most bamboo as well as heavy tropical wood species used in construction. The overall specific strength properties of B. vulgaris were somewhat higher than and comparable to most timber species used in construction.

Keywords:Bambusa vulgaris, Crushing strength, Culm position, Density; Strength-to-weight ratio

Permalink: https://www.jbronline.org/article.asp?id=316