Vol.09. Nos.1 - 2 (2010) pp.13-27

Design of experimentation and application of methodology of engineering experimentation for investigation of processing torque, energy and time required in bamboo processing

Authors:Sakhale, C.N; Modak, J.P; Bapat, P.M; Singh, M.P

Abstract:The evolution of bamboo machining properties using processing cutters is a complex phenomenon. There are many factors (like geometric variables of machine and bamboo, variation in angular speed, processing torque and variation in current) affecting the performance of bamboo processing machine. In this paper an attempt is made to present the design of experimental approach in detail for gathering information to generate mathematical model for bamboo processing operations. Subsequently, sensitivity analysis, reliability and optimization of these models are established. Lastly, the ANN simulation of the behavioral data of the system is also established. In this, paper calculations for formulation of mathematical model only for stick making operation is explained in details. This paper reports on design and development of machine with specialty of multiple operations of bamboo processing incorporated in a single machine. It also includes designing of measuring devices for measurement of current drawn, processing torque, energy, and time required for each processing operations using specially designed electronic kit

Keywords:Bamboo processing torque, opto-coupler, sensitivity analysis, Artificial Neural Network

Permalink: https://www.jbronline.org/article.asp?id=223