Vol.07. Nos.1 - 2 (2008) pp.101-108

Seed and seedling attributes of Melocanna baccifera and Ochlandra travancorica.

Authors:Seethalakshmi, K.K; Jijeesh, C.M; Raveendran, V.P

Abstract:Me/ocanna bacci/era and Ochlandra tral'allcorica are thin-walled bamboo species found in North-Eastern India and Southern India, respectiveJy. Both are commercially important as raw material for traditional and modern industries. Flowering and seeding of M. bacci/era and O. travancorica occurred at the same time at their natural habitats during 2004. Seed and seedling attributes of both the specics were recorded for a period of 180 days. In M. bacci/era seeds were on an average seven times larger than that of O. travancorica. Growth and biomass accumulation of M. bacci/era was higher than that of 0. travancorica. Both the species contained high moisture at seedling stage. There was no significant difference in the relative growth rate (RGR) of the two species, while net assimilation rate (NAR) was different and M. bacc(fera had higher NAR.

Keywords:bamboos; biomass; biomass production; growth rate; moisture content; seed characteristi

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