Vol.07. Nos.1 - 2 (2008) pp.53-58

Chemical composition and potential for utilization of Dendrocalamus barbatus.

Authors:Yang Qing; Duan ZhuBiao; Wang ZhengLiang; Guo YongJie; Han Lei; Sun QiXiang; Peng ZhenHua

Abstract:This paper reports on the feasibility of utilizing Dendrocalamlls barbatus as a substitute for wood fiber, based on studies on its morphology and chemical composition. The bamboo appears as wood fiber-like filaments consisting oftubularend-to-end connections ofindividual cells. In the population studied, each cell averaged 4.52 mm long, 20.13 /lm wide, and had 7.16 /lm thick cell wall, length to width ratio of about 260.89, which are much more than that of other bamboo species. The chemical composition was 2.37 per cent ash, 1.24 per cent SiO" 10.26 per cent extractable by 90 per cent acetone, 1.70 per cent extractable by alcohol-benzene, 19.06 Per cent pentosan, 27.96 per cent lignin, 31.03 per cent NaOH (1 %) soluble fraction and 58.7 per cent carbohydrate. There were low contents of cold and hot-water extr3ctables, 18.49 per cent and 19.58 per cent, respectively. Taken together, these features suggest that D. barbatus has good potential as a raw material for pulp and showed clear potential as a supplement for traditional medium strength wood pulps

Keywords:acetone; ash; carbohydrates; chemical composition;

Permalink: https://www.jbronline.org/article.asp?id=182