Vol.06. Nos.3 - 4 (2007) pp.215-222

Domestication of Dendrocalamus brandisii in upland paddy fields in Coorg, Karnataka

Authors:Viswanath, S; Dhanya, B; Rathore, T.S

Abstract:The feasibility of Dendrocalamus brandisii cultivation in abandoned paddy fields in Coorg, Karnataka was assessed through a financial analysis using indicators like Net Present Value (NPV), Benefit Cost (B/C) ratio and Land Expectation Value (LEV) at different discount rates. Comparisons were made with other possible landuses including ginger monocropping and bamboo intercropping at different spacings, to determine the financially optimal farming practice in such areas. Results revealed that all the landuse options discussed were feasible in financial terms since they had NPV values higher than zero and B/C ratios greater than one at 10 per cent and 15 per cent discount rates. D. brandisii at 6 m x 6 m spacing intercropped with ginger had the highest NPV and LEV which may primarily be attributed to low input costs associated with bamboo farming and higher market value of the produce over a longer period. The constraints in popularizing the species in Coorg and the prospects of value addition for enhancing the income of primary stakeholders are also examined.

Keywords:continuous cropping; cost benefit analysis; discount rates; domestication; economic indicators;

Permalink: https://www.jbronline.org/article.asp?id=173